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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Session Profiles → Keyboard


This dialog lets you map text or special actions to the top row of your keyboard. It is limited to F-Keys, but a more versatile keyboard mapping feature can be found in Options→Keyboard Profiles.

Using this feature, it is possible to make F-keys send text, initiate connections from the host directory, execute REXX scripts, etc. You will find more information about these functions, by editing a F-key and then clicking Help in the item dialog (see User Defined Actions).
Note: Be aware though, that mapping functions to F-keys here will override the emulation function of these keys. If they have a defined function in an emulation (e.g. Xterm, VT220 and Linux have predefined values for all f-keys, VT102 uses F1-F4, etc.), the user setting will be performed instead.



In addition to the F-key macros, ZOC also provides a feature which we call Auto-Macros.

You can think of AutoMacros as abbreviations. Whenever ZOC finds that you typed some text that is found in the abbreviations, ZOC will replace it with the full text you provide here or performs the associated function. This is done by sending backspace characters to delete the abbreviation (if necessary) and then running the defined action.

To avoid accidental triggering, abbreviations are matched case sensitive and replaced only if there is a non alphanumeric character typed before and after the text. So, if you defined Com as an abbreviation it will be replaced if you type Data-Com_ or Com-Port, but not if you type The Com1-Port or DataCom_.

It is still recommended to append a period or an exclamation mark to the abbreviation text (like MS. or lo!) to make it unique and to avoid erroneous invocation.

This feature is similar to Auto-Action and some results can be achieved by using both methods. However the important difference is: AutoActions monitor the incoming data stream (sent by the host), AutoMacros watch the keystrokes from local the keyboard.
Note: This features is not available if you are using block oriented emulations (TN3270, TN5250).
Note: This feature is disabled during REXX execution and during AutoLogin and Learn mode.



This option lets you map events to the scroll lock key.

Ignore Scroll-Lock key

ZOC ignores the scroll lock state of the keyboard.

Activate local typing

Pressing the Scroll Lock key toggles the chat field (see Window options and Screen Elements).

Toggle doorway mode

Pressing the Scroll Lock key toggles the keyboard Doorway mode. Doorway mode is an terminal feature which sends DOS-like key codes for special keys like F-Keys, PgUp, etc. This is required by some arcane control software like RemoteBBS or OS2YOU.



See also: Session Profiles, Customizing ZOC and Options Menu

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