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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Other Functions → User Defined Actions

User buttons, keyboard keys, auto-macros etc. can be configured to perform functions like sending text, initiating a connection, etc. This dialog lets you choose one of the available actions (e.g. "Perform a function from the menu") and by providing additional details (e.g. the name of the menu-function to perform).


Most of these choices are straightforward, but here are a few additional details:

When specifying Text to send, you can use the control codes from the list shown in control codes, e.g. ^M for Enter or ^I for Tab.

To send a single emulation specific key, e.g. the TN3270 Attn key, you need to select Send a single emulation specific key as the type of action type the text Attn (see emulation dependent key names) into the action field at the bottom. (Note: To send multiple such keys, you will need to write a REXX script and put multiple ZocSendEmuKey commands into it, then specify the REXX script as an action, see below.)

It is also possible to perform the function from the main menu (e.g. to map it onto a button or different key combination). This is achieved by selecting the type Chose a function from the program's menu and by entering the name of the menu function into the action field or by selecting the function by clicking the "…"-button.

To connection to hosts which are stored in the host directory, specify Connect to a host directory entry as the action type and type the name of the host directory entry or choose it from the host directory via the "…"-button.

To start a REXX script from a key or button you will enter the name of the script file in the action field, e.g. script\myscript.zrx and click on the button that tells the assistant that the text in the field is the name of REXX script to run.

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