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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Menu Commands → Options Menu

See also: Options Overview

Program Settings

Configure the Program Settings which are likely to remain the same for all your connections.

Edit Session Profile

Configure session related settings (see Session Profile).

Jump to

Display a submenu to jump to a specific page session profile dialog.

Load Session Profile

Load a file of session profile.

Save Session Profile

Save the current session profile to disk.

Save Session Profile As

Save session profile to a file with different name. If saved as STANDARD.ZOC, it will be loaded automatically when ZOC is started.

Reset Session Profile

Reset the current session profile set to the default state.

Edit Keyboard Profiles

Brings up the Keyboard Profiles dialog which will let you load, modify and save keyboard profiles.

Edit Translation Profiles

Brings up the Character Translation dialog which will let you load, modify and save character translation tables.


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