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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Session Profiles → Auto-Action



Auto action provide a way to automatically send text or invoke ZOC actions (see User Defined Actions) whenever a sequence of specific characters is received from the host.

This feature can be used to

  • Automate logins: You could automatically send your username and password
  • when receiving the text Username: and Password:
  • Reading mail: When you receive the You have mail notification
  • from your Unix host, you could start your mail reader by automatically replying elm^M.
  • Skip birthday checks: Some hosts ask for your date of birth now and then
  • to make sure no one else uses your account. Using AutoActions you can provide the date automatically when receiving the prompt.

This feature is similar to AutoMacros and some results can be achieved by using both methods. However the important difference is: AutoActions monitor the incoming data stream (sent by the host) while AutoMacros watch the keystrokes from local the keyboard.

Warning: You should make sure that the text you are looking for is unique. Making the trigger text too general increases the risk, that your actions will be performed at undue moments.
Note: This feature is disabled during REXX script execution and during AutoLogin and Learn mode.
Note: emulations (TN3270, TN5250).


See also: Session Profiles, Customizing ZOC and Options Menu

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