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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Screen Elements → Local Typing

The Local Typing line is an entry field into which you can enter text to be sent to the host. The text is editable and it is not sent until you press Enter. This is helpful if you are in an online conference or if you use a remote shell that does not provide command editing and history.

The Local Typing line can be activated from Options→Session Profile→Window Options or by pressing Alt+C or by pressing the Scroll-Lock key (the latter, only if defined accordingly in Options→Session Profile→Terminal Options).

If the cursor is in the Local Typing line, you can discard it by pressing ESC or Scroll-Lock key. With the line open Alt+C will toggle the cursor between the main window and the Local Typing line.

You can use arrow keys to retrieve the last few lines you typed (this works like the command history in an Windows shell).

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