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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Session Profiles → File Transfer

These settings define the characteristics of file transfers. They are accessed via the Options menu or by clicking the file transfer protocol button in the status line.




Select X- Y- or Zmodem protocol or any of the other protocols offered here. The selection will become the active file transfer protocol whenever this session profile is activated.


ZModem is one of the most commonly used file transfer protocols. It allows the transfer of files over almost any kind of connection and handles error-correction, bulk file transfers and preservation of file attributes very well. Whenever available, the use of Zmodem should be strongly considered.

See Zmodem Transfer for a description of its options and how Zmodem is used. There is also information about how it can be installed on Linux computers.


The SCP file transfer protocol will only work with SSH connections and all you need to do to send or receive a file to the remote host, is to log on to a server and to select Upload or Download from the Transfer menu (see SCP Transfer).


Kermit is an ancient file transfer protocol. Benefits are wide cross-platform availability and good reliability over bad connections.

Normally the standard option values should work fine (press the Reset button to set these). The block size can be any number from 80 to 9024. If you are working in an environment that allows only 7bit transmissions, uncheck the 8bit option.


The IND$FILE file transfer protocol is for use in conjunction with TN3270 host connections to IBM mainframes (see IND$FILE Transfer for details).


Some systems offer protocols named Ymodem and Ymodem batch, which really are Xmodem with Block-1024 (incorrectly named Ymodem) and Ymodem (incorrectly named Ymodem-Batch). In those cases, set ZOC to Xmodem with 1KB-Blocks for Ymodem and/or set ZOC to Ymodem when the host requires Ymodem-Batch.


These options only apply when the Xmodem protocol is selected.

CRC on

CRC is controlled by the receiver of a file. CRC can be used instead of the slightly less reliable Xmodem checksums.

Blocksize 1024

With this option Xmodem uses blocks of 1024 instead of 128 bytes. Some systems falsely call this Ymodem. The block size is controlled by the sender.

Chop pads

If enabled, ZOC tries to remove padding bytes at the end when receiving a file.


If possible, detect and start file transfers automatically

If enabled, ZOC will try to automatically detect when the remote host initiates a file transfer. This is done by checking the incoming data for sequences that are unique to some file transfer methods (e.g. Zmodem or Kermit), but will not work with all file transfer methods.

Note: This option should be disabled if you intend to perform file transfers through the REXX scripting language.

Close file transfer window immediately after completion

After a file transfer completed successfully, this option turns off the 3 seconds waiting time before closing the transfer window.

Do not write transfer summary to terminal screen

If this option is set, the program will not print the transfer summary, which is normally displayed in the terminal are of the ZOC window (alongside the output of the remote host).



See also: Session Profiles, Customizing ZOC and Options Menu

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