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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Other Functions → SCP File Transfer

The ZOC SCP file transfer is an interactive variant of the SSH scp command.

This dialog allows downloads of single files, multiple files (using file name patterns), folders and folder trees.

Important: SCP transfers are always performed in the context of the initial SSH session. Using the su command or jumping to another server with a remote ssh or similar command will possibly make the SCP transfer fail.

By default the operation will be performed on the user's home folder (not the current working folder), except when you specify a path to a different folder in the source field. By default the source field will be preset to your current remote working directory which ZOC obtains by issuing a pwd command on the remote server.

The source field will be interpreted as a single file name or file name pattern (e.g. ~/Documents/*.txt), unless you click the recursive option.

If recursive is activated, source needs to designate a folder (e.g. ~/Project/) and all files from that folder and all subfolders will be downloaded.

Downloaded files will be stored in the destination folder, which by default is ZOC's standard download folder (the standard folder is configured in Options→Program Settings→Folders). The destination field can be edited directly but it needs to point to an existing folder on the local computer.

If incoming filenames match the file extensions to store in the alternate download folder (configured in Options→Session Profile→Transfer), the files will be moved to the alternate download folder instead (configured in Options→Program Settings→Folders).

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