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Other Functions → IND$FILE File Transfer

The IND$FILE file transfer protocol is intended for use with the TN3270 emulation. It allows the exchange of files with an IBM zSeries host.

While connected to a host via TN3270 you can choose Upload or Download from the Transfer menu in order to send files to or receive files from the host.

When selecting one of these functions, a dialog will pop up and ask for the local and remote filenames. Local filenames can be any file directly available to your computer. The remote file is the name of a dataset which the host can understand (e.g. a sequential or partitioned dataset name on a TSO/ISPF system like SOURCE.ASM(TEST01) or 'TXUSER.OUTPUT.LOG' (including the single quotes for full qualification).

The transfer options govern the conversion of the data between the host and local computer, e.g. insertion of CR/LF line endings, conversion between EBCDIC and ASCII or remapping of the ASCII data into the currently selected TN3270 codepage.

The DCB option allows you to add extra parameters to the IND$FILE command, e.g. LRECL or RECFM parameters. See TSO-Receive and TSO-Send at https://www3.rocketsoftware.com/bluezone/help/v42/en/bz/DISPLAY/IND$FILE/IND$FILE_Technical_Reference.htm

The setting for the host type modifies the command which is sent to the host in order to initiate the transfer. TSO is intended for a TSO prompt (genuine TSO READY prompt or for the command prompt on ISPF menu 6), ISPF/TSO can launch a file transfer from any ISPF Command ==> or Option ==> prompt while VMS is (obviously) intended for VMS systems.

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