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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Menu Commands → File Menu

The file menu manages all necessary functions to maintain the communication methods (Modem, Telnet or ISDN, etc.) and to connect to a host. Additionally, selected host directory entries can be dialed directly from this menu.

Additionally some methods dependent function may appear in this menu (like Telnet's Are you there). They are described in the method's help text as well).

Quick Connection

This function opens a dialog to allow you to connect to a host as required, without creating a Host Directory entry (see Quick Connection).

Host Directory

The host directory is a dialog to maintain your personal dialing directory or to connect to one or more numbers from it (see Host Directory).


If a connection was terminated, this function will connect to the same host again.


Disconnects the current connection.

New Window

Opens a new ZOC window.

New Tab

Opens a new tab within the ZOC window.

Close Window

Closes the current ZOC window.

Print Screen

This function lets you print the contents of the terminal window (in raw ASCII mode).

Save Screen

Saves the contents of the terminal window to the file defined in Options→Program Settings→Special Files. If the file already exists, the text will be appended.

Accept Connections

This function enables/disables the auto answer mode of your chosen communication method. The Telnet device will create an incoming port with port number 23. The Serial/Modem handler will send the commands you set up in Session Profile→Connection Type→Serial/Modem→AT-Commands→Modem Options.

In auto answer mode the modem will automatically pick up the phone when the phone rings and will try to establish a data connection with the calling modem (of course this is not a good idea when you expect voice calls).

Stop AutoLogin

This function aborts automatic login initiated from a host directory entry (see Changing Host Directory Entries). AutoLogins are indicated by the 2nd LED in the status line being pink.

Call Next in Queue

If you select more than one host to call from the host directory, ZOC will connect to the first of them that is available. After finishing the call you can select this function to try to reach the next available host.

Reset Communication

This function will reset the connection type to its default state. For modems this means that the init string defined in the Modem Options will be sent to the modem to set it to a defined state. It will do this regardless of the current carrier detect state.

Send Break

Pulls the data pin of the modem low for a given time (see Options→Session Profile→Connection Type→Serial/Modem). This is called sending a break. Some systems use this to reset the connection state or to stop the current operation. Devices other than the modem will perform a similar operation or will just ignore this command.

Connection Type Dependent Functions

Some ZOC communication methods (e.g. Telnet) add method dependent functions. These are described in the input/output devices section of the help file.

Connect XXXX

At the end of the file menu appear those entries from the host directory that have the Menu Access option enabled (see Changing Host Directory Entries). This is handy for hosts which you call often.


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