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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Program Settings → Special Files


This options defines the editor to be used when calling Edit function (e.g. Edit Rexx Script). If you set this field to the string <DEFAULT>, Notepad.exe (Windows) or the default editor (macOS) will be used.


Shell defines a shell to be used, when calling the Command Shell function in the View menu. This shell is also called with the /C parameter if you issue a ZocShell command from within a ZOC REXX script.
Note: If you set this field to <DEFAULT> ZOC will use CMD.EXE for Windows and /bin/sh for macOS.

Connection Log

This file is a file in which ZOC logs connections and file transfers (C+/C- in the log means connect/disconnect, DL means download, UL means upload).

The filename can contain placeholders like Calls^2^3.log for date/time (see placeholder codes in the appendix).

If no path is specified, the call log is stored in the log directory. If the field is empty, no calls log is written.

Save Screen

This field defines the name of the file, into which the File Menu→Save-Screen function will save the contents of the terminal window.


The REXX script selected here will be called, when ZOC is started, when it terminates and when another communication method (connection type) is activated. You will find the technical details inside the sample file ZOCEVENT.ZRX and in ZOCEVENT.TXT in the script folder.

File Transfer

Here you can select which REXX script is called before a file transfer begins and after a file transfer was completed. The REXX script can modify the file name before the file is actually written to disk.

This can be used if you want to implement a complex file storage scheme (e.g. if ZIP files are uploaded from different directories than other files or if you have special download directories for ZIP files, mail files and pictures) or if you want to automatically run an file compression utility before uploading certain files (and upload the compressed file instead). Additionally you could automatically unpack all downloaded ZIP files or decrypt incoming PGP files etc.

You will find the technical details inside the sample file ZOCXFER.ZRX and ZOCXFER.TXT in the script directory.

Alternate REXX DLL

By default ZOC uses an internal REXX processor (Regina REXX) which is provided together with the ZOC program.

However, if you prefer a different REXX language implementation, or if you are already using a different REXX product that is compatible to the IBM's original REXX API, you can specify one or more DLL names here (multiple entries are separated by a vertical bar).

The following is a list of entries to be made to use the most common commercial and freeware implementations:

ZOC-REXX (current ZOC default)

zocrexx.dll (ZOC-REXX is a variant of REGINA REXX, see Copyrights).

Enterprise REXX (ZOC v5 default)

RxREXX.dll (found in the program folder of ZOC5)


regina.dll (https://regina-rexx.sourceforge.net)


rexxapi.dll|rexx.dll (https://www.oorexx..org)

Quercus Personal REXX

WRexx32.dll (https://www.quercus-sys.com/prexx.htm)


reginald.dll (https://www.borg.com/~jglatt/rexx/reginald/reginald.htm)

Important: Please note that you need to provide full path names to your installed DLL, e.g. c:\Programm Files\oorexx\rexxapi.dll|c:\Programm Files\oorexx\rexx.dll



See also: Program Settings

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