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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Program Settings → Advanced Window Settings

Hide window while connecting via AutoConnect feature

If you do not want the large ZOC window on screen while using the AutoConnect (dial and retry) feature, you can select this option. In this case ZOC will hide while attempting to make the connection, just leaving the small dial progress window on the screen. The main window will come back after a connection was made (or finally failed).

Bring window to front when connected

If set, the main window of ZOC will come to the top of all windows when a connection was made. This way you can have ZOC connect in the background and jump in if a connection attempt was successful.

Minimize window during file transfers

If you do not want the large ZOC window to be visible while a file transfer is going on, this options minimizes the ZOC's main window when starting the transfer so that only the transfer progress window remains on screen.

Bring window to front after a file transfer completed

If set, the main window of ZOC will come to the top of the desktop after a file transfer has been completed. This way you can put ZOC aside to do other work during a file transfer without missing the transfer's end.

Default fallback font

This option specifies ZOC's default font, which will be used whenever ZOC is unable to open a specific font. That situation can occur for example, if you are sharing ZOC configuration files (e.g. session profiles) among users on different computers or when transferring them between the Windows and macOS version of ZOC.



See also: Window, Program Settings

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