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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Program Settings → Window

Window Title

This field can contains the text that will be displayed in ZOC's window title bar. The text can contain placeholders which will be replaced with values depending on the current situation. e.g. ZOC %VERSION% %CONNECTEDTOHOST% %OPTIONS% or alternately %COMPUTERNAME% %CONNECTEDTOHOST% %OPTIONS%.


The string "connected to "and the name of the remote host.


The name of your computer.


The name of the remote host (e.g. the name of the host directory entry).


The connect-to field (e.g. ip or hostname).


The number of the currently open ZOC window.


The name of the currently loaded session options file.


The version number of ZOC.


If not online the String "ZOC" or, if online, the name of the remote host.


Like %ZOCORHOST% but including the version number.

Maximized window border color

When the window is maximizes, there will be a area that fills the gap between the terminal area and the window borders (this happens because there may be size restrictions for the layout of the terminal, see Session Profile→Layout). Normally this area is drawn in a light gray, this options changes this to another color.

Extra border around terminal

This options draws a border around the terminal area to create a visual gap between the window border and the text. The color of the border is the same as the background color from the session profile.

Window Transparency

Setting this option to a value other than zero will make the program window partially transparent. Please be aware however, that with older graphics boards, this may add considerable strain on the CPU.


See also: Advanced Window Settings, Program Settings

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