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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Program Settings → Mouse

Mouse buttons

Please pick a choice from the lists to map a functions to the right or left mouse button.

Note: Some of the choices which are related to marking/copying depend on the option Automatically copy selected text to clipboard in Program Settings→Clipboard.

Mouse wheel

This option offers a list of choices for the action that the mouse wheel performs. These are mostly obvious, except the Smart mode: In smart mode, the wheel enters scrollback except when a remote application (e.g. Linux VIM, screen, MC, etc.) has switched the terminal to alternate-screen mode, where the mouse wheel will move the cursor. Essentially this means that the mouse wheel will enter scrollback while you are in a Linux shell, but it will move the cursor while you are in a screen based application.

Word delimiters

When double clicking on screen to mark a word, the list of word-delimiters characters will determine which characters will are considered part of a word and which will stop the mark.



See also: Program Settings

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