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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Program Settings → Clipboard

Automatically copy selected text to clipboard

When you select text in the terminal area, with this option is enabled, the program automatically copies the selected text to the clipboard.

Clear selection after copy

Selecting this option will clear the selection of text in the terminal area, after the selected text is copied to the clipboard.

Suppress 'Text was copied to clipboard' notification

This option can be used to suppress the small confirmation window that ZOC usually displays when copying text to the clipboard.

Use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for copy and paste

In terminal software, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are key combinations which send specific codes to the remote computer (e.g. Ctrl+C is usually sending a hex 03 byte which some system use to interrupt an ongoing procedure). If you do not need these functions, you can set this option to use Ctrl+V to paste text from the clipboard into the session and Ctrl+C to copy selected text to the clipboard.

Note: Ctrl+C is only affected while text selected on screen. With no selected text, Ctrl+C will send hex 03, which is mostly interpreted as a 'break'.

Use Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V for copy and paste

Same as above, but you also have to press Shift in addition to Ctrl. So the native Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V codes will be sent as key codes, but when used together with the Shift key the clipboard functionality can be accessed.

Invert Alt-key behavior for text selection

Normally text selection will be done in flow mode. Pressing the Alt-key while marking text will change the selection mode to block mode. This option will toggle this behavior.

Immediately paste single-line selections

Selecting this option will always send marked text immediately, if only one line was marked on the screen. If the option is half-selected, the text can still be sent immediately if you hold the Shift key pressed while doing a single-line selection.

Trim trailing blanks from last line in selection

This option deletes trailing blanks from the last line of any text selection.

Trim trailing blanks from all lines in block selection

This option deletes trailing blanks from every line, which often happens during block selection.



See also: Program Settings, Edit Menu

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