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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Keyboard, Character Translation, etc. → Redefining Single Keys

After you selected a key to be redefined in the keyboard redefinition window, a small window appears into which you can type the new value that is sent if you press that key together with the selected combination of key qualifiers (e.g. Alt+Ctrl+Z). Alternately you can map an action to that key combination (see User Defined Actions). See Emulation Dependent Key Names for information on how to map emulation keys (like Esc, Enter, SysReq etc.) or ZOC Functions to a key.


Getting Key Mappings from other sources: If you found key mappings on the internet or in another program, or if you extracted these via the infocmp command from a Linux system, here are some common equivalents to translate these values into ZOC:

Other Software ZOC Equivalents
^[[ ^[[
CSI ^[[
SS3 ^[O

For example if you issue the infocmp command on a Linux system using the Xterm emulation, you will for example see an entry kf12=\E[24~, which defines the mapping for the F12 key (type man terminfo on a Unix shell for a list of all the cryptic key and sequence tags like kf12).

According the table above, the ZOC equivalent for \E[24~ will be ^[[24~ or ^(1B)[24~


The full list of supported control codes by ZOC can be found here: Control Codes and Action Codes

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