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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Session Profiles → User Buttons

Below the tool bar resides a another bar containing user defined buttons. The user buttons can be managed in this session profile section.


User Buttons

The user buttons, when clicked, can perform a variety of user define functions, e.g. the sending of text or commands to the remote host, the simulation of a ZOC menu command or the execution of a REXX script. Here you can add, modify or delete user buttons. You can also group them in folders or import the whole button set from another session profile.

You will find more information about the functions that can be mapped to individual buttons, by editing a button and then clicking Help in the item dialog (see User Defined Actions).


See also: Session Profiles, User Defined Actions, Customizing ZOC and Options Menu

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