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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Program Settings → Disconnect Action

Clear screen

This options will clear the screen and reset the screen colors after you disconnected.

Show host directory

If this option is enabled, ZOC will show host directory after you disconnected from an online service (only if there are no more entries left in the call queue).

Load standard session profile

If this option is enabled ZOC loads the default option set after you disconnect from a host session.

Call next queued entry without prompting

If you disconnect from a service and if there is another item in the call queue (assuming you had marked more than one entry to connect to in the host directory), ZOC can either try to connect to the next service automatically or after prompting you if you want it to.

Close tab

This option automatically closes a session tab when the connection ends (this only applies when multiple tabs are open).

Close window

This option automatically closes the ZOC window when a connection ends.



See also: Program Settings

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