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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Configuring a Host Directory Entry → Window

The Window settings for each host control if the host is called in its own terminal window, in a new tab or if the existing window and tab should be used.

If you want to open connections in new tabs, you should configure the entry to Plain Connect (see Host configuration in this dialog). The reason is that when launching multiple connections at the same time, ZOC will sometimes need to queue the connect requests if the entries are set to connect via AutoConnect (see the description for the Connect function in the Host Directory window for details).

If a new window is selected, you can control the position where on screen the new window should be opened. The position is given in screen pixels and there is a button to take the value of the current window. However, when opening the new window, the width and height of the window may vary, because it will also be influenced by the font and window settings in the session profile.

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