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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Session Profiles → Trace/Debug

Here you can enable various debug trace functions. These are mainly used by technicians and developers of applications and devices, and they are mostly used to debug a connection or to provide a way to see the communication with a remote host/device in raw form.

Show control characters in terminal

Show received control-codes (hex 00 to 1F) as plain text (e.g. ^I for Tab) instead of performing the functions which are usually associated with these codes.

Show incoming data as hex dump in terminal

This option shows incoming characters as combination of hexadecimal values and characters.

Show data as hex dump in data stream viewer

This option shows incoming characters as hex dump in the data stream viewer instead of the terminal window.

Show data as ascii-trace in data stream viewer

This option shows incoming characters as an ascii trace in the data stream viewer instead of the terminal window.

Write ascii trace file

Creates a trace file named zoctrace.txt in the logging folder, which will then store all sent and received characters combined with time stamps. The trace file is formatted in human readable form (mixed text, control code names, hex codes).

You can access the logfiles by choosing Show Logfiles Folder from the Logging menu.

Write binary trace files

Creates a pair of trace files in raw binary form, containing all sent characters (zoctrcout.bin) and all received characters (zoctrcin.bin).

You can access the logfiles by choosing Show Logfiles Folder from the Logging menu.

Write low-level device trace files

This option also creates a pair of trace files in raw binary form. Depending on the communication method, these files will also contain control characters that are used by the communication layer internally. E.g. for telnet connections, the low-level trace file will also contain the telnet protocol negotiation elements (e.g. IAC sequenced and end-of-record markers).

Write debug-log for EmTec-support

This protocol is of little use unless you will be asked by EmTec support to use this option.



See also: Session Profiles, Customizing ZOC and Options Menu

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