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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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APPENDIX → TN5250 Key-Mappings

The list of keys below shows how the emulation's keys are mapped to the your local keyboard. This happens automatically when you choose to use the emulation for a connection and is subject to some configuration options of the TN5250 emulation via Options→Session Profile→Emulation→TN5250.


However, any of these keys can also be mapped to any other key-combination on the local keyboard via the Options→Keyboard Profiles. They can also be mapped to user-defined clickable screen buttons via (Options→Session Profile→User Buttons). Both is done by using the defined names for these from this table.



TN5250 Default Keyboard Mappings

5250 Key PC Key
[PF1] … [PF12] [F1] … [F12]
[PF13] … [PF24] [Shift+F1] … [Shift+F12]
[Newline] [Return] (*)
[Enter/Transmit] Shift+[Return] (*)
Alt+[Return] (*)
[right Ctrl-key] (Windows only)
Cmd+[Enter](*) (macOS only)
[Field Exit] [Enter] (numeric keypad)
[Reset] [Esc]
[Left Ctrl-key] (Windows only)
[Ins] [Ins] (Windows only)
[EraseEOF] Alt+[End]

(*) The functions of Return and Shift+Return (also Alt+Return) can be swapped in the settings of the TN5250 emulation. The combination Cmd+[Return] (macOS only) is unaffected by the swap option.



Accessing 5250 Keys via Esc-Combination

Some 5250 emulators allow access to special keys via a Esc key combination.

ZOC however uses Esc for the Reset function, but the Esc combinations are available if you remap the Esc key in Options→Keyboard Profiles as the emulation dependent key named EscapeMenu.

With that configuration you will be able to simulate most 5250 keys by typing a two-key sequence as shown below (e.g. Esc A will simulate the Attention key.).

However, rather than using two keystrokes, it will probably be more convenient to remap the keys you need directly to a PC keyboard key in the Options→Keyboard Profiles, mapping the PC keys to simulating a key based on Emulation Dependent Key Names.  

1 = F1
2 = F2
3 = F3
4 = F4
5 = F5
6 = F6
7 = F7
8 = F8
9 = F9
0 = F10
- = F11
= = F12
! = F13
@ = F14
$ = F16
% = F17
^ = F18
& = F19
* = F20
( = F21
: = F22
_ = F23
+ = F24
A = Attention
D = Duplicate
H = Help
I = Insert
L = Refresh
M = Fieldminus
P = Print
R = Reset
S = Sysreq
X = Fieldexit

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