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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Program Settings → AutoConnect

The AutoConnect function is used when you select the connect function from the Host Directory. It only applies to host directory items, that have the AutoConnect feature selected. This feature is mainly intended for modem/ISDN connections.

The feature tries to connect you to a given host and possibly retries several times if it fails to make a connection. You can specify the maximum number of retries and the time between trials of the same phone number. If, for example, you set the time between attempts to 10 seconds and select three entries from the host directory to be called, and if the call to all of them fails, the first one will be called immediately after the third since trying the second and the third will very likely need more 10 seconds.

Some countries require some time to pass before the next number can be dialed. So ZOC lets you define the minimum time between tries to call any number.

Additionally you can define a string to be used as a prefix for calls via Modem/Serial or ISDN connections. This is useful if you have to dial 0 or 9 to get a dial tone. If you need the prefix only for the Modem/Serial handler, you can use the modem dial commands (see Modem Options) or the phone number macros (see below) for this purpose.


Small AutoConnect window

You can choose between a large and a small window that shows the progress and details while calling. The large window (naturally) covers more screen while the smaller one might not fully display long messages or phone numbers (which is just a cosmetic problem).
Note: You can switch between the larger and the smaller window while calling by clicking the minimize/maximize buttons in the upper right corner of the AutoConnect window.


Dial Macros

The host directory offers four special macros for use with telephone numbers. When you use the strings $1, $2, $3 or $4 somewhere in a telephone number (or other device's equivalent) ZOC replaces the string with the text defined in the Macros dialog.

E.g. if you are using calling card numbers for some entries in your host directory, you could define $1 as 1234 5678 9012 3456 and insert $1 into your phone number where ever the calling card number should appear.
Note: These macros are strictly for use with telephone numbers in the phone book. They do not work if you use them in modem strings, function keys, etc.
Note: In many cases similar results can be achieved by the use of different dialing strings (see Modem Options).


See also: AutoConnect Device Responses, Program Settings

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