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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

Configuring a Host Directory Entry → BBS

Call to this host is due every … days

If ZOC finds a carrier detect signal after calling a host, it will update the date of last call for the called entries (and all others that are equal to the one that was called in the first six characters of the name, thus managing multi-line hosts correctly, see Name-field above).

If you want to call a host regularly (say once a week) you can enter the number of days here after which ZOC should remind you (by showing a symbol in front of the phone number in the main window) that it is time to call that host again.

IEMSI Options

Many bulletin board systems offer a method called IEMSI to automate the login procedure.

Using this method you can provide your name in the IEMSI options window and set the password field to the password you use to log into that host. Additionally you can specify some options that are used by host.

During the login the host will send the IEMSI request (**IEMSI_IRQ; not to be mixed up with the **EMSI_REQ that is used for FIDO mailer software) to which ZOC responds by sending your user name and password to the host. If everything goes well, the host will let you in at once and show (or skip) news, new mail and new files as selected in the IEMSI options window.


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