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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
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Quick Start Guides → ISDN Quick Start

Please note that this section applies to internal ISDN boards with CAPI drivers only. For external ISDN boxes or boards with Windows Modem drivers please read the Modem Quick Start



Connecting to Servers

If you want to make a ISDN CAPI connection, select File Menu→Quick Connection.

This will bring up a dialog where you can select ISDN Capi 2.0 from the list of connection types. Then enter your destination and select the desired emulation (VT220 or Xterm will work in most cases). The destination in the Connect to box will be the phone number you wish to connect to.

If you want to change terminal characteristics like window layout, colors etc. click the Edit button to change options in the session profile. (Session profiles are predefined sets of options which can be used as the underlying configuration for a connection.)



Creating Desktop Links

In the Quick Connect dialog, note the Save As button which allows you to save a connection as a desktop icon, as an icon in the button bar or as an Host Directory entry.



Host Directory

To put a new ISDN host directly into the host directory go to File Menu→Host Directory and click New. Then enter a title for the entry and select ISDN Capi 2.0 as the connection type. Then provide a phone number and specify an emulation.

To have ZOC learn your login procedure for later automatic login, enable Record keystrokes on next login in the Login tab.


Other Related Topics

More about the ISDN CAPI 2.0 connection type can be found in ISDN/CAPI Connection Information. Also check common problems about problems you might encounter when accessing an ISDN board through CAPI. Last but not least please click the Help button in the dialog where you enter the host directory entry details.

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